About Anita Rene

A Woman filled with self-love, a deep connection to her power and true essence is the gift of radiance. I am passionate about supporting women to connect with their deepest inner knowing and powerful creative energy to find their purpose and passion.

How My Journey Began…

As I approached my 50th birthday I found myself reflecting on my achievements and all the twists and turns life had taken me thus far. Although I felt accomplished and prideful in raising my family, cultivating a marriage and establishing a career, I felt a lack of meaning, and purpose now. I was mindlessly going through my days bored, fatigued, constantly struggling with how to feel good and basically feeling lost. I pondered what the rest of my life would be now…and I didn’t have an answer.

For the longest time, I had allowed others to have a voice over my own, listening to what others thought was best for me. I had lost the vision of who I was and how I wanted to authentically show up in the world. I became trapped in comparison mode. Comparing myself to some external standard instead of living by my own internal purpose and direction. I wanted to discover what set my heart on fire and my soul craved inspiration to help me grab hold of a dream or a purpose I hadn’t yet solidified and the searching felt so daunting.

The seed of self-doubt kept reminding me I couldn’t possibly change the way things were. I was ready to throw in the towel on finding fulfilment. I prayed for an answer to the nagging questions “Who am I now?” “What’s next?”


The Universe was listening…

and has synchronicity would have it I found myself at a 2-day woman’s event. Throughout that weekend I finally heard my inner voice. She was telling me to find myself. Of course, I really didn’t know what that meant because I knew in my head who I was, a mother, a wife, a registered nurse. But in my heart, I had misplaced my core essence


The Essence Of The Loving Leader, Empath, Intuitive Healer And Sacred Space Holder I Am.

From a very early age, I have held sacred space. I was the one people came to with their problems and stories. I had a deep capacity for unconditional love and emotional strength. I could sense both the beauty and the pain of people and places. I held within me a deep desire to help make our world a healthier, happier, more loving place. And although my career path as a nurse has allowed me to integrate varied experiences in a person’s well being there was something missing.


That “Something” Was Being The FULL Expression Of ME!

I could no longer ignore feeling energetically drained, stuck and confused. I needed clarity, a sense of fulfillment and most importantly the energy to enjoy life! It was time to listen to the tugging at my heart and so I hired a mentor and embarked on the journey of my life.


It Would Take …

slowing down, sitting with my full range of emotions, subconscious beliefs and stories.

The Willingness To Choose To…

~ Take courageous steps forward with the intention to create the shift for a positive change.

~ No longer live in my comfort zone

~ Look inward

~ Open my eyes to see a new perspective

~ No longer live from a disempowered state


I Learned To Listen To My Mind Body And Soul…

Looking closely at the patterns of thinking that created my experiences.

Listening to to the information my body gives me all day long.

Tuning into my inner guidance.

The result? Having a deeper understanding of myself and making decisions from an empowered place which gave me the fearless initiative to walk down my own path.

Through My Journey To Purpose…

I had to learn how to serve myself, and my needs. I learned how to fill my cup, and heal the wounds of my past while learning how to best honor my energy and boundaries.

It’s been a journey of facing fears, transforming self-doubt and low self-worth into trust, and self-respect.

It wasn’t until I stopped looking for the answers outside of myself and started to learn to truly listen and trust my inner wisdom, that the Goddess within led me home to myself. I knew I was on my true path and one that would lead me to nourish and change the lives of other women who are looking for the same.

Whatever you’re navigating through there’s a purpose to it.

Ready to go there together?


Possibilities as infinite as the stars.

“You have to find what sparks a light in you, so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world”~Oprah